SHMS PTO Membership - 2024-25 School Year
Members of the SHMS PTO organization can serve in different capacities whether it be as board member, a coordinator, an event chair, a volunteer, or an attendee at an event. It is up to the member to determine their level of commitment to the organization.
Through Paid PTO memberships, parents/guardians/faculty can show their financial support to the students and staff of SHMS as the membership fees are used to fund PTO events/initiatives that do not have registration fees.
Membership Registration Guidelines:
- Each Parent PTO Membership is for entire SHMS family (1 or more parent, 1 or more children) for School Year 2024-25
- Each Faculty PTO Membership is for SHMS staff member for School Year 2024-25
- Families can signup by clicking the 'Register' button against the Parent PTO Membership and input their family information
- SHMS Faculty can signup by clicking the 'Register' button against the Faculty PTO Membership and input their information
- Participant information during registration is the same as your Child information. The membership registration form initially captures one child's information. If you have more than 1 child in SHMS - you can provide additional child's information at a later time from your 'Home' page after logging into the registration portal.